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Creating a Niche Business + SEO Tips

An interview with
Sara Dunn


How do you stand out from other designers, attract more clients, and work on projects you enjoy? One solution is to build a business that specialises in one area of design that you love, that targets a specific niche audience.

But how do you do that? In this interview Ian speaks to Sara Dunn who’s been there and done it. She transitioned from a general web design & marketing agency to building a niche business offering SEO services for “creative wedding pros”, and she’s been incredibly successful.

In this interview we discover how she decided what niche to focus on, how she used content marketing to attract the right clients, and how she productised & systematised the business too.

Sara Dunn Interview Transcription

Ian Paget: I’m really keen to speak to you about how you’ve been able to niche down, and I understand that you’ve had a lot of success with that, but I think so that we can tell a story through this episode, I’d like to ask you what your was situation prior to niching down, and what was the reason why you decided to do that?

Sara Dunn: It wasn’t something that I had really planned for my business forever. It was kind of an evolution of my web agency, so I ran a generalist web agency for about five years, and it was mostly me leading all of the projects, and then I had a team of about four other people who would freelance and come in for web design, branding, graphic design projects, development.